The Torah Studio closes the gaps in Jewish education by teaching students to build authentic, empowered, and nourishing relationships with Torah through as many learner-centered entry points as possible.
The Torah Studio imagines a world where every learner, regardless of where they’re coming from or where they’re going, has a way into Torah and a hand to guide along every step of their learning journey.

The Torah Studio makes text study accessible in as many ways as possible. Finances, gender, sexuality, race, disability, geography and timing will not bar anyone from our text study. Everyone has beautiful Torah to learn and share with access to the necessary tools and an empowered learning space.

Torah Study is a lifelong practice. Torah Studio gives learners the tools to own their study practice and feel confident in their relationship with Judaism and Jewish texts. At the Torah Studio we believe that every learner is able and ready to learn Torah as their full self.

Torah learning experience is built through practice. All learners have the ability to access meaning in text. Regular practice and knowledge built over time help learners backup and elaborate upon their ideas. The Torah Studio knows every learner has insight into Torah worth sharing. We work together, in loving agreement and disagreement, to uncover the Torah we can bring to life.

Text study practices nourish our lives spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally. Jewish texts are at the core of everyday Jewish life, and will be the core of the Jewish future. We believe that more people knowing these Jewish texts, and building deep and resilient relationships with them, will lead to a stronger and more beautiful Jewish future. The Torah Studio wants to share that ease, access, and knowledge of Torah with as many people as possible, especially to people who have historically been kept out of Jewish institutions of learning.

Strong relationships with Torah allow Jewish people to be authentically themselves in Jewish spaces, and to learn more about themselves in the process. What calls to a learner in the Torah is a reflection of themselves. To do that authentically looks like being able, and safe, to show up as your full self. Many of our courses center and highlight a queer reading of our texts that allow folks to see new parts of themselves, queer or not, reflected in the Torah. We believe that when learners are allowed to honestly and openly engage with difficult texts, they will build stronger relationships with Torah.